Thursday, September 18, 2014

Growing Into the Gift of Discernment

I have always desired the spiritual gifts, especially the gift of discernment. After many years of praying for this particular gift, I am finally seeing it develop. I have yet to physically see anything in the spiritual realm but I have definitely felt things. Sometimes God just points out a spirit to me. I am growing into this gift and am getting used to differentiating between my own perception and the Holy Ghost’s radar.
A couple weeks ago I started my mental health nursing clinical. My experiences have been less than exceptional and perhaps it is not a far stretch to say the supernatural may have something to do with it. My first day of clinical was not good. I felt frustrated and found myself complaining the entire time. I went home realizing I had not even considered covering myself in prayer for this clinical experience.
The following week I came back to the clinical sight hoping for a better experience and I was more aware of the territory I was entering. I found myself feeling very frustrated again. I did not express my emotions and did not share them with my nursing peers but I could feel the frustration and irritability burning on the inside. I felt like I was swirling in a sea of negativity and no one else seemed to be experiencing it. I even found myself resenting one of my peers for no reason. I quickly realized that a spirit of anxiety was trailing me. I tried to pray against it while at the mental hospital where my clinical was taking place but I felt too weak mentally. I felt so desperate I even texted my family and asked for prayer. The enemy’s arsenal was coming at me hard. The spirit ended up following me home but thankfully I recognized it’s presence on my home and found the strength to pray against it. I also had the prayers of my family supporting me.
This week I went to clinical fully alert and ready for the spiritual activity that was going to surround me once I set foot in the hospital. I was in a fairly good mood for most of the 6 hours I was there. However, towards the end, as I sat with my peers and listened to them reflect on their experiences, it hit me. A wave of depression rushed over me and suddenly I felt like crying. I felt so heavy and fatigued as if someone had thrown a sopping wet blanket over my head. The Holy Ghost discerned the situation and I began to pray in my mind and sing a worship song. I recognized the spirit of depression. It was the first spirit God showed me. Thankfully He showed me in a dream and not real life. As I prayed the feeling of sadness lifted. The heaviness did not go away completely until I left the hospital.
As I walked out of the hospital God reminded me to brush off the dust, and so, I literally did just that. I walked to my car with my heavy school bag and brushed off both my shoulders and my head and I said out loud, “Spirits, you cannot come home with me or come into my car in Jesus’ name”. I pulled out of the parking lot that night feeling relieved.

 God has been teaching me to be more sensitive and has been helping me recognize spirits everywhere I go. It is very interesting but also very serious. I know I must be prayed up and fasted up and carry my shield of faith wherever I go. This is a very dark world we live in and the spiritual battle is at large. Sleeping soldiers cannot stand.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sewing Made Easy

I am not one for making New Year's resolutions, but for 2014 I did take a moment to consider what I would like to do this year. I decided that learning how to sew would be a good goal for the year. So many times I need to make alterations on my clothes so I send my repairs to grandma but I don't get them back for at least a month since she's so busy and lives over an hour away. It only seems logical that I learn to sew so I can repair my own clothes at my convenience and even make myself new things.

There are only three people close to me who can teach me but none of them can. My grandma is too far away, my one friend is too busy, and my other friend is sick of sewing.  And to my dismay, the fabric store offers sewing classes when I am not available. So I am out on this limb alone. I decided the only thing I can do is just pick up some fabric and sew.

I was able to borrow my friend's sewing machine and  get a brief lesson from her on how to use the machine.
Now where to start. I made my way to Walmart (probably the worst place to get fabric. In fact, I am sure it is an abomination to the professional seamstress) to look for some cheap fabric and a simple pattern.

Note: My style of learning is hands-on and visual. I am not the kind of person who can learn by reading directions. I have to be shown and then I have to practice with someone guiding me. However, since my options were limited, the only thing I could do was by the dreaded pattern and try to sew my way through that.

There was a rack of patterns that seemed to be well-priced but they were ugly. I looked for the simplest thing I could find.

Ah ha! I found a pattern for a cute apron. I wear aprons around the house, so a cute apron would be a fun, seemingly simple thing to make. The headline on the package said "Sewing Made Easy" and that it was only 99 cents. I thought, "Is it really that easy?" There was only one way to find out.

I rushed home with my discount fabric and my cheap pattern.
I was all excited as I laid out my fabric and began to prepare for this new endeavor. I opened up the directions thinking, "This can't be so bad", but as I perused through the instruction catalog, trying to find the English instructions--not the French or Spanish--I realized this was going to be a big headache.

Yet, I tried matching the pattern to the fabric and I just started cutting away. After I finished cutting, I realized this pattern was not very accurate for one-sided fabric. It turned out that in order for the pattern to work, some of my pieces would need to be cut from the back side.

In my frustration I tossed the pattern aside and decided to create my own  apron sans pattern. The cuttings I had made would be a mess to salvage, but I had run out of fabric and there was nothing I could do, other than scrap the whole project--which was not something I would care to do.

After much brainstorming, pinning, and running back and forth between the iron and the sewing machine, I came up with an apron. I even managed to create ruffles--a real delight for someone who has knows nothing about sewing.

The apron was nowhere near perfect. It was a little too short, but it seemed to be pretty decent for my first time sewing from scratch.

I managed to salvage my fabric, but never again to I plan on buy a pattern, no matter how "Easy" it is.