A friend of mine found this poem and shared it on her page. It really struck a note with me so I want to share it with all of you.
What About The Nine
"Ten future missionaries heard God's call divine;
One married wrongly, that left only nine....
Nine future missionaries- they could hardly wait;
Mother needed one,though, that left only eight.
Eight future missionaries bound for God and Heaven;
One got to making money, that left only seven.
Seven future missionaries -if only each one sticks;
One lost out completely, that left only six.
Six future missionaries for the Lord alive;
One preferred the homeland, that left only five.
Five future missionaries wait an open door;
One grew tired of waiting, that left only four.
Four future missionaries bound for eternity;
One no longer willing, that left only three.
Three future missionaries -for the need- how few!
One the board rejected, that left only two.
Two future missionaries, a daughter and a son;
One developed ulcers, that left only one.
One future missionary--Thank the Lord for Him;
He refused to ever let the vision dim.
Body, soul and spirit, he to God did yield;
Now for years he's labored on the foreign field.
God in Heaven rejoices, "Blessed child of mine,
You have done MY will-BUT WHAT ABOUT THE NINE?"
~Everek R. Storms.