Being a nursing student, I am fascinated by medical science, which is why I have chosen to review Compassionate Jesus, by Christopher Bogosh, for Cross Focused Reviews. The book is very interesting. Anyone who loves science, wants to learn about the history of healthcare, or is interested in reading about the controversy of medical science versus supernatural healing, this is the book for you. Bogosh shares healthcare history, scripture, and personal experiences about his career as a nurse and the death of his sister, making this book not only informative, but personal. Bogosh addresses how we too easily get caught up in trying to prolong our life by using extreme measures instead of allowing God to receive the glory in our weakness. Too often we seek medical attention first and save Jesus for the last resort. This book will inform you and give you clarity. This is a book every Christian needs to read.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
A Book Review of The Button Legacy
The Button Legacy, written by Ginger Marcinkowski, is a short fiction novel about how a mysterious box of buttons plays a significant role in a family, teaching them about the most important things in life; faith, family, and love. The story takes place in Plaster Rock, New Brunswick in 1956 where the button box is first introduced. The box, which contains hundreds of buttons that each tell a story, is an old family relic passed down from generation to generation. Throughout the novel, each owner of the button box learns about the importance of family and the depth of God's grace and forgiveness. You will laugh and you will cry as you read and share in the stories of the buttons. Perhaps you will start your own button box.
Amberly Zimmerman
Cross Focused Reviews
Amberly Zimmerman
Cross Focused Reviews
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Mom: A Mother's Day Poem
So short a name for
So profound a woman
Always giving
Always reaching
The encourager of the family
The nurturer of the heart
Always praying
Always seeking
Clothed with strength,
Humility and love
Heaven's gift to children,
An angel of the greatest love,
By: Amberly Zimmerman
So short a name for
So profound a woman
Always giving
Always reaching
The encourager of the family
The nurturer of the heart
Always praying
Always seeking
Clothed with strength,
Humility and love
Heaven's gift to children,
An angel of the greatest love,
By: Amberly Zimmerman
Saturday, April 27, 2013
What About the Nine
A friend of mine found this poem and shared it on her page. It really struck a note with me so I want to share it with all of you.
What About The Nine
"Ten future missionaries heard God's call divine;
One married wrongly, that left only nine....
Nine future missionaries- they could hardly wait;
Mother needed one,though, that left only eight.
Eight future missionaries bound for God and Heaven;
One got to making money, that left only seven.
Seven future missionaries -if only each one sticks;
One lost out completely, that left only six.
Six future missionaries for the Lord alive;
One preferred the homeland, that left only five.
Five future missionaries wait an open door;
One grew tired of waiting, that left only four.
Four future missionaries bound for eternity;
One no longer willing, that left only three.
Three future missionaries -for the need- how few!
One the board rejected, that left only two.
Two future missionaries, a daughter and a son;
One developed ulcers, that left only one.
One future missionary--Thank the Lord for Him;
He refused to ever let the vision dim.
Body, soul and spirit, he to God did yield;
Now for years he's labored on the foreign field.
God in Heaven rejoices, "Blessed child of mine,
You have done MY will-BUT WHAT ABOUT THE NINE?"
~Everek R. Storms.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Review of The Romance of Grace by Jim McNeely III
Written by pastor Jim McNeely III of Dakota Creek Christian Center in Washington, The Romance of Grace is about the relationship between the Creator and his creation which is based on divine love and grace. The book helps to put God's grace in a perspective we can more easily grasp. McNeely explains how the romantic relationship between Christ and his bride should be by sharing the parable of the kingdom of God found in Matthew 13:44-46. The reader learns the kingdom of God is like a treasure and those who want to be a part of the kingdom should be totally sold out for it and give their all for it. Such people should be driven by desire. The reader also learns that God values us like mankind values a precious pearl. Jesus gave all He had for us and was driven by divine love and grace. The law condemns, but His grace saves. As people in a relationship with God, we should not be driven by fear to obey the law. We must be driven by love. Coercion to obey the law is not true obedience. As sinners we are drawn to sin, but by God's grace we can overcome sin and choose to obey. Some people become so legalistic and focus so much on the law that they forget the most important part of a relationship with God: Love. "Virtue is the fruit not the root" (p. 18). The root of a relationship with Jesus is love. We are not good all by ourselves. It's God's love for us that saves us and our love for Him that causes us to bear fruit. McNeely's book is eyeopening and very encouraging. You will be reminded you of how much God really loves you and values you.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Book Review of Freeing Tangled Hearts by Dolores Kimball
Freeing Tangled Hearts was written by Dolores Kimball, a Bible study teacher, women's retreat speaker, and a writer and editor for Focus on the Family, David C. Cook, and Compassion International. In her book, she addresses issues all women face, issues of the heart. Kimball's book is not written as a self-help book but as an informative and encouraging piece of literature for women of all walks of life. In thirteen chapters, the reader learns about why women are such emotional beings and that having emotions is not bad. The reader learns emotions are good, because God himself has emotions, but they should not dictate decision making. The feelings of the heart can cloud and distract the ability to reason and think properly. As women, we must learn to keep our emotions in check. Kimball also addresses some of the causes behind our emotions, such as hormones and Satan, to name a few, as well as some of the most common emotions women across the globe face. These include: fear, doubt, guilt, anger, bitterness, and envy. Each emotion is addressed in its own chapter and Dolores Kimball provides personal stories for examples and scriptures to teach and encourage the reader. In Freeing Tangled Hearts, we learn the only way to keep our emotions in check is by examining ourselves, learning about God and his attributes, and having an intimate relationship with Him.This book is an excellent read for all women. This book not only teaches the female reader about herself but it also teaches her about other women, because women share a common thread; they are emotional beings. Props to Dolores Kimball for writing an encouraging book backed by scripture. I look forward to reading more books by her.
Bragging on Jesus: He's Always On Time!
I just want to take a moment to brag about the goodness of my God. He has always been so faithful and true to me. Whether He gives me front-row parking (which happens often!) or He encourages me through a friend, He always spoils me and reminds me of His undying love for me. Recently, He blessed me with a full-time position at my place of employment!
For the six months I have been at Children's Hospital, I have been a casual employee. One week I would work thirty hours, the next week would be six. One day I would work first shift. The next day I worked second. My schedule was crazy and I was not getting enough hours to make ends meet.
Before the full-time position was posted to the public, it was posted internally. I competed with six other people for the position. The hours were perfect and the wage was right. I so wanted the job. However, the six others I had to compete with had way more seniority than I. I had a good work ethic and good attitude but was still quite new.
Nonetheless, God is bigger than our accomplishments, seniority, ability and ideas. He blessed me with then position I desired and needed. He is so good. "I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread" (Psalm 37:25) He is true to His word and never lets us down! Thankful for a God who cares!
For the six months I have been at Children's Hospital, I have been a casual employee. One week I would work thirty hours, the next week would be six. One day I would work first shift. The next day I worked second. My schedule was crazy and I was not getting enough hours to make ends meet.
Before the full-time position was posted to the public, it was posted internally. I competed with six other people for the position. The hours were perfect and the wage was right. I so wanted the job. However, the six others I had to compete with had way more seniority than I. I had a good work ethic and good attitude but was still quite new.
Nonetheless, God is bigger than our accomplishments, seniority, ability and ideas. He blessed me with then position I desired and needed. He is so good. "I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread" (Psalm 37:25) He is true to His word and never lets us down! Thankful for a God who cares!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
More to Music Than What Meets the Ears
Walking through the halls of Children's Hospital the other day, I heard the beautiful voice of a young woman singing to a patient as she strummed on her guitar. I was not able to make out the words of her song, but the melody of pure voice and guitar sounded so beautiful.
Often, music therapy students volunteer at Children's Hospital and sing to the patients or play instruments for them. It is amazing how music has the power to heal. I was reminded of how David played for Saul. (1 Samuel 16:23) Saul was tormented by a spirit, but David's harp playing brought him comfort.
Music refreshes the soul and brings peace.
However, music is more powerful than we think...
Music was originally intended to worship God. (Heb 1:6)
It is also meant to be encouraging to the church body and can be used to uplift the spirit. (Is 61:3)
Unfortunately, the enemy perverts music. We know there is more out there than just worship music. There is rock, soul, R&B, hip-hop, jazz, dubstep, you name it. Not all of these varieties give glory to God. In fact, from the ones I mentioned, NONE give glory to God. The original purpose of music was twisted by Lucifer himself. Long before the Earth was formed, Satan was the angel of music. (Ezekiel 28:12-25 Satan is referred to as the Prince/King of Tyrus) As the angel of music, Lucifer's job was to lead the angels in worship. He was heaven's worship leader. Imagine such an honor. Not to mention, he was one of the most decadent angels in heaven, until one day when he decided he wanted to be God. Satan was stripped of his title and cast into hell, along with his minions. (Luke 10:18)
This is the part where music went wrong...
Satan was no longer heaven's worship leader, nor did he care to be since he thought he should be God. In revenge, the devil took music and distorted it. Satan's music talks about sin and does not glorify God. Songs about greed, lust, passion, murder, anger, hate, and revenge do not comply with God's word. Not only do such songs have a bad message, but that message gets imprinted into the forefront of the mind. If the listener thinks he/she can listen to such music and not be affected, he/she is dead wrong.
Listening to crummy music affects your mood more than you think. Try listening to a happy song. It is hard to be angry without a reason if you are listening to happy, bouncy music. Try listening to a sad song. Even if you have no reason to be sad, this music sure can affect your mood and make you feel almost depressed! Music has a powerful influence on our attitude and behavior.
The Bible says what you store in your heart is what is going to come out (Luke 6:45). If you store music that does not glorify God, as well as other icky things, you are not going to bring forth good fruits. If you store God's word in your heart and pure, godly music, and other godly things, you will produce good fruits and abstain from sin (Psalm 119:11).
Let us only allow our ears to hear things that are pure and good (Philippians 4:8). This is pleasing to God. Do not even give ungodly music a chance. I do not think it is ironic that ungodly music can so easily get stuck in your head. Once you give in to that type of music, it is so hard to steer clear from it.
God help us to clean out our iPods and clean out our hearts. Helps us to glorify you in our hearts and in our song.
Often, music therapy students volunteer at Children's Hospital and sing to the patients or play instruments for them. It is amazing how music has the power to heal. I was reminded of how David played for Saul. (1 Samuel 16:23) Saul was tormented by a spirit, but David's harp playing brought him comfort.
Music refreshes the soul and brings peace.
However, music is more powerful than we think...
Music was originally intended to worship God. (Heb 1:6)
It is also meant to be encouraging to the church body and can be used to uplift the spirit. (Is 61:3)
Unfortunately, the enemy perverts music. We know there is more out there than just worship music. There is rock, soul, R&B, hip-hop, jazz, dubstep, you name it. Not all of these varieties give glory to God. In fact, from the ones I mentioned, NONE give glory to God. The original purpose of music was twisted by Lucifer himself. Long before the Earth was formed, Satan was the angel of music. (Ezekiel 28:12-25 Satan is referred to as the Prince/King of Tyrus) As the angel of music, Lucifer's job was to lead the angels in worship. He was heaven's worship leader. Imagine such an honor. Not to mention, he was one of the most decadent angels in heaven, until one day when he decided he wanted to be God. Satan was stripped of his title and cast into hell, along with his minions. (Luke 10:18)
This is the part where music went wrong...
Satan was no longer heaven's worship leader, nor did he care to be since he thought he should be God. In revenge, the devil took music and distorted it. Satan's music talks about sin and does not glorify God. Songs about greed, lust, passion, murder, anger, hate, and revenge do not comply with God's word. Not only do such songs have a bad message, but that message gets imprinted into the forefront of the mind. If the listener thinks he/she can listen to such music and not be affected, he/she is dead wrong.
Listening to crummy music affects your mood more than you think. Try listening to a happy song. It is hard to be angry without a reason if you are listening to happy, bouncy music. Try listening to a sad song. Even if you have no reason to be sad, this music sure can affect your mood and make you feel almost depressed! Music has a powerful influence on our attitude and behavior.
The Bible says what you store in your heart is what is going to come out (Luke 6:45). If you store music that does not glorify God, as well as other icky things, you are not going to bring forth good fruits. If you store God's word in your heart and pure, godly music, and other godly things, you will produce good fruits and abstain from sin (Psalm 119:11).
Let us only allow our ears to hear things that are pure and good (Philippians 4:8). This is pleasing to God. Do not even give ungodly music a chance. I do not think it is ironic that ungodly music can so easily get stuck in your head. Once you give in to that type of music, it is so hard to steer clear from it.
God help us to clean out our iPods and clean out our hearts. Helps us to glorify you in our hearts and in our song.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Power on Our Knees
We are strongest when we are on our knees...
Angels are unleashed for battle
Demons are conquered, giants are slain
Satan flees
Miracles happen, faith is encouraged
Our spirit is uplifted, our soul is connected
Souls are birthed into the kingdom
Tears are collected in a holy vial
Prayers go up as sweet incense
Blessings come down
We have conquered
We have won
The victory is ours
Because we are strongest on our knees
Angels are unleashed for battle
Demons are conquered, giants are slain
Satan flees
Miracles happen, faith is encouraged
Our spirit is uplifted, our soul is connected
Souls are birthed into the kingdom
Tears are collected in a holy vial
Prayers go up as sweet incense
Blessings come down
We have conquered
We have won
The victory is ours
Because we are strongest on our knees
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Book Review: Predestination
Predestination, part of The Little Black Book series written by Scott Petty, teaches about God's design and purpose for each individual, that we are not here by mistake. Geared towards teenagers,this was a short, simple read at only 84 pages. The author writes with teenage lingo and is relational the his readers. Petty writes about how involved God is in nature as well as the lives and individuals. This book is straight to the point and addresses many questions teens may have. The only problem I had with the book was the author's view on free choice and salvation. Petty believes humans do not have absolute freedom. He equates absolute freedom with doing things that God does not know about. I believe we do have free choice, and just because we have free choice does not mean that God does not know about it. He gave us a choice and He already knows what our choice will be. Also Petty believes there is a select group of people "destined" to go to heaven. Petty explains that God has chosen specific people to go to heaven and He draws them to Him. On the contrary, according to the Bible (John 3:15, Acts 2:39, & 2 Peter 3:9), it is not the Lord's will that any should perish. The promise of salvation is for everyone. Everyone is called to salvation, but not everyone answers. God gave everyone a free choice, and that choice began in the garden. I have a few other concerns about the book, however, the author does well at explaining his own point of view on predestination.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
No Greater Love
With Valentin's Day upon us, thoughts of flowers, chocolates, pinks and reds are rushing through our minds. Love is in the air. This can be such an exciting time of year if you have a sweetheart. The anticipation of being showered with love by your sweetie bubbles over in your heart.
However, if you're single, this may be a sad time of your. Perhaps the memory of past relationships has left a sour taste in your mouth. Maybe you have never been in a relationship and you're just longing to know what it's like to love and be loved. If you're like me, you're just waiting for the right person to come along. This is just another Valentine's Day come and gone.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Valentine's Day is a day of love. Love is not limited to marriage or dating relationships. Love can be found in family and friends. In fact, the greatest love you will ever receive will never be given to you from a boyfriend or husband. The greatest love is the love of God.
His love far exceeds any human love. In fact, God's love has it's own word because no human words can describe the love He has. This word is Agape: the Love God has for mankind.
Here's what the Bible has to say about love (paraphrased):
Love is greater than any spiritual gift. Love is greater than faith.
Love extends beyond doing good deeds.
However, if you're single, this may be a sad time of your. Perhaps the memory of past relationships has left a sour taste in your mouth. Maybe you have never been in a relationship and you're just longing to know what it's like to love and be loved. If you're like me, you're just waiting for the right person to come along. This is just another Valentine's Day come and gone.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Valentine's Day is a day of love. Love is not limited to marriage or dating relationships. Love can be found in family and friends. In fact, the greatest love you will ever receive will never be given to you from a boyfriend or husband. The greatest love is the love of God.
His love far exceeds any human love. In fact, God's love has it's own word because no human words can describe the love He has. This word is Agape: the Love God has for mankind.
Here's what the Bible has to say about love (paraphrased):
Love is greater than any spiritual gift. Love is greater than faith.
Love extends beyond doing good deeds.
Love is long-suffering (patient) and kind
Love does not envy
Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up
Love does not behave rudely
Love is not selfish
Love is not easily angered and does not think evil
Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.
~1 Corinthians 13
The beauty in this scripture is that it's about God and his love, for God is Love.
"He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." 1 John 4:8
So go back and read 1 Corinthians 13 again, but this time replace the word "love" with "God".
The scripture holds true. God's love for you is far greater than you could ever imagine. He loves you so much He died for you long before you were ever born.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
If you're single, please don't be sad this Valentine's Day, or any day for that matter. Take this season that you're single to reflect on the greatest love there is. Take time to appreciate the ONE who loves you most. In due time, the Lord will bring the right one into your life.
As the old saying goes, good things come to those who wait.
Follow this link to listen to an inspiration love song about the greatest love in the world!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Book Review: Loving the Church
Loving the Church, by John Crotts, is a short read, only 135 pages, that defines the purpose of the church. Crotts starts out the book with a fictional story which piques the reader's interest. The characters of story meet in a coffee shop and begin to discuss and research the meaning of the church. Each character represents real-life people and situations of today's church body. The book then transitions into a well written biblical description of the church. Crotts explains some reasons why people leave the church and what the role of each member of the church is, as well as the role of the church body. Throughout the book, the reader will gain scripture based knowledge about the church as well as a new sense of appreciation for the Bride of Christ. The reader will also learn about the importance of his or her role in the church and why it is so important for Christians to gather together. This book is definitely a must-read for every Christian!
~Amberly Zimmerman
~Amberly Zimmerman
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Dreaming Big
I have quite a few friends who are in Bible college. I happy happy they are there but I had never considered going to Bible college myself. Not that getting a theology degree is not important, I just never pictured myself earning such a degree.
However, God's ways are NOT our ways... :) For the past year, the Lord has put it on my heart to go to Bible college. As the burden for lost souls and the ministry continue to grow in my heart, the desire to attend Bible college also continues to grow.
So, this spring I will be going to Purpose Institute! I am so excited. What makes it even better is that I am going with my Dad. We will be getting our degrees together. :)
I am still in nursing school. Hopefully in two years I will have my BSN, as well as an associates in Theology, something I would have never pictured or planned for myself.
I definitely LOVE God's ideas. They are BIGGER, BETTER, and more fulfilling.
I am just a lump of clay on the Potter's wheel, and He is fashioning me for His great pleasure~
However, God's ways are NOT our ways... :) For the past year, the Lord has put it on my heart to go to Bible college. As the burden for lost souls and the ministry continue to grow in my heart, the desire to attend Bible college also continues to grow.
So, this spring I will be going to Purpose Institute! I am so excited. What makes it even better is that I am going with my Dad. We will be getting our degrees together. :)
I am still in nursing school. Hopefully in two years I will have my BSN, as well as an associates in Theology, something I would have never pictured or planned for myself.
I definitely LOVE God's ideas. They are BIGGER, BETTER, and more fulfilling.
I am just a lump of clay on the Potter's wheel, and He is fashioning me for His great pleasure~
Monday, January 14, 2013
You Can Steal My Show...
I absolutely love music. My favorite radio station is KLOVE. Although I do like contemporary Christian music, some of the music KLOVE plays is not to my liking. The lyrics are good, but sometimes the music sounds too secular. I prefer more worshipful music and artists like Hillsong and Christ Tomlin. Recently, a new contemporary Christian song started playing on KLOVE called Steal My Show by TobyMac.
The first five times I heard the song I did not care for it. To me, it just seemed too secular, too much like a pop song. The other day that song came on and just as I was about to change it and pop in a CD, I stopped. I decided I was going to listen to Steal My Show all the way through, ignore the rhythm and pay attention to the lyrics. My viewpoint on the song changed.
The song is written from the musician's point of view. The first verse describes an excited crowd at a concert just waiting for the musician to perform. The following verses and chorus describe that although the crowd is excited to see TobyMac, or any musician, all the glory belongs to God. TobyMac's song is about making God number one in your show and not getting in His way.
Letting the lyrics sink in, I thought about what it means to be a musician/praise singer at my church. I really enjoy praise singing even though I don't have the voice of an angel. It doesn't matter what my voice sounds like because it is not about me. It is not about any of us who sing or play an instrument up front. It is about God. We need to be willing to step aside and allow God to take control. If God wants to stop the song service and speak, then so be it. If it's our turn to sing a special after the preaching but there is no preaching because God take over the service, then so be it.
Sometimes we get so caught up in what songs we sing at church more than we get caught up in His presence. "Aww man, they're singing THAT song again?! I don't feel like clapping my hands."We go to church to entertain the presence of our God, not entertain ourselves.
This lesson taught in TobyMac's song can also apply to our personal lives. Let God be in control of your show. Step aside and stop trying to figure out life's map. Let God lead you to where He wants you and just enjoy your walk with Him. After all, we were made for His pleasure, not our own, so He deserves to be number one in our lives. “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.” (Rev. 4:11 NLT)
The first five times I heard the song I did not care for it. To me, it just seemed too secular, too much like a pop song. The other day that song came on and just as I was about to change it and pop in a CD, I stopped. I decided I was going to listen to Steal My Show all the way through, ignore the rhythm and pay attention to the lyrics. My viewpoint on the song changed.
The song is written from the musician's point of view. The first verse describes an excited crowd at a concert just waiting for the musician to perform. The following verses and chorus describe that although the crowd is excited to see TobyMac, or any musician, all the glory belongs to God. TobyMac's song is about making God number one in your show and not getting in His way.
Letting the lyrics sink in, I thought about what it means to be a musician/praise singer at my church. I really enjoy praise singing even though I don't have the voice of an angel. It doesn't matter what my voice sounds like because it is not about me. It is not about any of us who sing or play an instrument up front. It is about God. We need to be willing to step aside and allow God to take control. If God wants to stop the song service and speak, then so be it. If it's our turn to sing a special after the preaching but there is no preaching because God take over the service, then so be it.
Sometimes we get so caught up in what songs we sing at church more than we get caught up in His presence. "Aww man, they're singing THAT song again?! I don't feel like clapping my hands."We go to church to entertain the presence of our God, not entertain ourselves.
This lesson taught in TobyMac's song can also apply to our personal lives. Let God be in control of your show. Step aside and stop trying to figure out life's map. Let God lead you to where He wants you and just enjoy your walk with Him. After all, we were made for His pleasure, not our own, so He deserves to be number one in our lives. “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.” (Rev. 4:11 NLT)
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Something New...
A lot of people like to make resolutions for a new year. I am not big on making resolutions but I do like to reflect on the previous year and make life changes for the new year. Life changes could be praying more, spending more time with family, taking better care of my body, etc.
This year, I decided I wanted to do new things. I have never blogged before, so this is all new to me. Another new thing I am doing this year is writing book reviews. I signed up at to read Christian books and write reviews on them. I am really excited to try this. The book I am currently reading is called Loving the Church by John Crotts. So far so good. I will be posting my review soon.
The most major new thing I will be doing this year is traveling overseas. I have been out of the country a few times before, visiting family in Mexico. However, I have never been to any other country. On August 5th, 2013, I will be traveling to Lome, Togo! I am so excited. I am counting down the days--205 to be exact! ;-) I will be there for 10 days assisting missionary Jaydie Johnson in any way I can.
It has always been my dream to go on a missions trip but for years I was afraid to go. I was afraid because I knew the trips were expensive and I did not trust I could come up with the funds in time. However, I am trusting God with Togo. He has called me to West Africa, so I believe He will make a way.
205 days will go by fast!
This year, I decided I wanted to do new things. I have never blogged before, so this is all new to me. Another new thing I am doing this year is writing book reviews. I signed up at to read Christian books and write reviews on them. I am really excited to try this. The book I am currently reading is called Loving the Church by John Crotts. So far so good. I will be posting my review soon.
The most major new thing I will be doing this year is traveling overseas. I have been out of the country a few times before, visiting family in Mexico. However, I have never been to any other country. On August 5th, 2013, I will be traveling to Lome, Togo! I am so excited. I am counting down the days--205 to be exact! ;-) I will be there for 10 days assisting missionary Jaydie Johnson in any way I can.
It has always been my dream to go on a missions trip but for years I was afraid to go. I was afraid because I knew the trips were expensive and I did not trust I could come up with the funds in time. However, I am trusting God with Togo. He has called me to West Africa, so I believe He will make a way.
205 days will go by fast!
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